RaceID Spectate – The New Way to Track Race Participants
Enhancing the Race Experience for Organizers, Spectators and Participants
With RaceID Spectate you can experience an outdoor event like never before and save yourself plenty of time, money and trouble as a race organizer. It is an easy way for your spectators and competitors to track participants via GPS zones around your course.
Have you ever lost a racer on the course? Or struggled with getting spectators to stay around, complaining that they don’t see anyone on the course for hours? The analog technology of outdoor events can indeed cause problems for race organizers. But the good thing is – those times are soon in the past. RaceID Spectate will take your, your spectators’ and your participants’ race experience to a whole new, high-tech level. Combining GPS technology with social connectivity for everyone present on race day, we can offer a more fun, interactive and safe experience. Welcome to the future of racing.

GPS Tracking for Organizers
With GPS technology advancing rapidly, mobile reception getting more and more reliable and wearables (smart watches) getting mainstream in the sport community, allow us to develop the use of GPS tracking on race day.
It is simple: create a GPX map of your race route, upload it to your RaceID Admin Account, and tell your participants to join the race, and share their locations with spectators!
On race day, your participants need to have the RaceID app downloaded, and activated on a device they carry with them (this can be an apple watch or a smartphone). Get more information on the spectator & participant experience here.

RaceID Spectate - for Spectators
Proper GPS tracking will make endurance racing fun for spectators. If you have ever watched an outdoor event live you know it is a hassle to find the right spot, wait for hours, and all this only to see your loved ones rush by for about 2 seconds!
With RaceID Spectate, fans, friends & family can download the RaceID app, select the racers they want to follow, and watch their every move along the course. See split times, see average pace, position and the final result. You can select up to 10 racers to view per race.
Whether on the course or cozy on the sofa on another continent, endurance race support and following for family and friends will never be the same.
RaceID Spectate - for Participants
GPS Timing on race day also offers participants a new experience and a unique way of staying connected to supporters and the race organization as well as getting information about their performance.
As a racer, you will be able to stay on top of information before the race. Never feel in doubt about when you need to be ready and what you need to do before arriving at the starting line.
During the race, if you want, you can stay informed about your position, your pace and your peers’ performance by just checking your watch or smartphone!
After the race, get your results instantly and analyze your performance in the RaceID App. Follow your new friends and competitors, and keep track of their future results. See and collect all your race data and your results in one place.
Please note – RaceID Spectate is in beta mode still. If you would like to try it at your event, please sign up here: